My name is Claus and I am a certified Manuvision therapist.

I have been working as a therapist since 2022, receiving Manuvision trainings and treatments since 2016, and generally dabbling with the existential arts since 2006.

I am deeply inspired by Sufi and Buddhist traditions, lucid dreaming, shadow work, and being open to ‘knowledge of self’ in whatever form it comes.

My other passion is helping government organizations become more open, transparant and collaborative. I have a Belgian passport, grew up in Asia, and speak English, Dutch, Spanish & French.

Manuvision is a community of body therapists building on 25 years of research in liberating the nervous system

We work by creating a space of trust and presence in which people can open up to vulnerability, be seen and heard, and feel supported to overcome their struggle.

Manuvision therapists have been proven to help soldiers with PTSD in clinical studies, work alongside world leading and Olympic athletes, and support senior political and corporate leaders in becoming better leaders.

Manuvision draws from Chinese traditional medicine, Western physiotherapy, Jungian psychology and shadow work, breathwork, inner child work, as well as various other traditions.

Read more about Manuvision.